Initial Assessment
The manuscript will undergo an initial assessment to check the manuscript topic related to the journal's aims and scope, grammar quality, and the 4 requirement items such as Ethics in Publication (for research article)/Patient Consent (for case report/series), Conflict of Interest, Funding, and Authors Contribution.

Peer Review
After passing the initial check, the manuscript will be reviewed by 2 reviewers acknowledged in their field of expertise and certified by Publons (Web of Science) to ensure the quality of the comments and suggestions. Authors who have certified qualifications other than Publons and are interested in becoming reviewers can contact the editor-in-chief to apply as a reviewer. Our journal adapted the double-blind peer review method. Only reviewers registered with the reviewer board can be selected by the editor and provide reviews.

In addition to our reviewer guidelines, we encourage our reviewer to use a checklist when accessing a manuscript, either the Publons checklist or other specific checklists related to the article type.

We have collected and regularly update the reviewer checklist on the following link:

Publons Reviewer Guidelines

Checklists for review


The reviewer may decide either to reject the article or to comment on some suggestions and clarify any parts of the article assigned to them.

Please upload the reviewer form and your commentaries on the website for each article the editor assigned you to review.

The authors will have 7 days to reply, answer the reviewers' questions and inquiries, and resend it to the system. Once again, the reviewer will check the manuscript and make final decisions (Accept/ Reject/ Revisions Required).

Editorial Process
If the article passes the reviewing process, it will be sent to the editor for final proofreading and editing process. The author must confirm the final version for publication and add/revise minor parts of the article based on the editor's suggestions before the article is converted to the pdf galley and published on the website.