Author Guidelines
Bali Dermatology, Venereology, and Aesthetic Journal welcomes contributions which promote the exchange of ideas and rational discourse between practicing educators and medical researchers all over the world. Specific topics of interest include: all aspects of medical and physiology, modelling of diagnose and cure of human diseases, the scientific underpinning of medicine and pathophysiology, biochemistry and biology molecular solution, decision support systems, biomedicine, and any experimental design and statistical analysis, the application of new analytical and study methods (including biomolecular and biochemistry studies). Articles should be written in clear, concise English following the recommendations for scientific writing found in Scientific Style and Format, the Council of Science Editors (CSE) style manual (7th ed., 2006, Reston, VA, Council of Science Editors). Only material that has not been published previously (either in print or electronically) and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, with the exception of an abstract published in conference proceedings, will be considered for publication. All submissions to the journal will be scanned for possible duplicate or prior publication using the CrossCheck/Turnitin plagiarism detection system. Authors who submit previously published work to the journal will be banned from submitting future manuscripts to the journal, and their funding body and/or institution will be notified. Complete writing guidelines can be found at the following Author Guideline link.
Manuscript Format
Manuscript should accompany a title page, which includes a short running title; the first name, middle initial, and last name of each author; the affiliation (in English) of each author during the study being reported; the name, current address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the corresponding author; and the word count and number of tables and figures. The text on the title page should be center aligned. The main text and tables must be saved in Microsoft Word document format, with 12 pt Times New Roman font, and the main text should single spaced with justified margins. Please do not use headers or footers in your paper.
Other completion forms
All authors should complete the Author Contribution Form for each manuscript submission. Especially for case report/case series manuscripts, it is mandatory to complete the Patient Consent Form. For manuscript research articles, please complete the Ethical Clearance Form during submission. All additional forms can be submitted together with the main article during submission.
Research Articles
Research Articles are expected to present a significant advance in the areas of dermatology and venereology and arranged in the following order: title page, abstract, “INTRODUCTION”, "METHODS", “RESULTS", "DISCUSSION", "CONCLUSION”, “Ethics in Publication”, “Conflict of Interest”, “Funding“, “Authors Contribution”, "REFERENCES", tables (each including a title and legend), figure legends, and figures.
- An abstract is required for all articles. The abstract should be unstructured (for review article) and structured with “Background”, “Methods”, “Results”, “Conclusion”, concise and precise and should convey the essential findings of the manuscript. The abstract may not exceed 250 words. It should state the rationale, objectives, findings, and conclusions of the manuscript. References, primary data, and statistical significance should not be presented in the abstract, and nonstandard abbreviations must be defined
- The article should contain no more than 25 referencesand the reference section should be single spaced with justified margins. The references should also include the DOI number from CrossRef.
Review Articles
Review articles are comprehensive, critical reviews of research topics and/or methodological approaches that are highly relevant to investigators in the field of dermatology and venereology. The review should be interpretative rather than a summary that describes various approaches that are available as well as their relative merits, limitations and specific applications. Review article should contain “INTRODUCTION”, "CONTENT", "CONCLUSION”, “Conflict of Interest”, “Funding“, “Authors Contribution”, "REFERENCES"
Case Report
Case report/case series describe rare case or new treatment/approach which consist there following content: “INTRODUCTION”, "CASE DESCRIPTION", “DISCUSSION”, "CONCLUSION”, “Conflict of Interest”, “Ethics in Publication”, “Funding“, “Authors Contribution”, "REFERENCES"
Tables should be double-spaced on separate pages and included at the end of the text document, with the table number and title indicated. Tables should be created using Word and the "Insert Table" command; please do not use tabs and/or spaces to create tables, columns, or rows. Tables with internal divisions (Tables 1A and B) should be submitted as individual tables, i.e., Tables 1 and 2. Symbols for units should be confined to column headings. Abbreviations should be kept to a minimum and defined in the table legend. Please avoid the use of shading. If a table includes data that require explanation in the legend, apply the following symbol sequence, from top to bottom, left to right: *, †, ‡, §, ||, ¶, #, **, ††, ‡‡, etc.
If tables are taken from other sources, it should be noted in the legend, and the author must be able to provide written permission for reproduction obtained from the original publisher and author.
Bali Dermatology and Venereology Journal uses digital publishing methods throughout the journal production process. If your article is accepted, it will be published online. The following sections provide information on how to format your figures to ensure the best possible reproduction of your images.
Size - Figures should be produced at the size they are to appear in the printed journal. Please make sure your figures will fit in one or two columns in width. Multi-paneled figures should be assembled in a layout that leaves the least amount of blank space.
Font - At 100% size, fonts should be 8-10 points and used consistently throughout all figures.
Text - Information on the axes should be succinct, using abbreviations where possible, and the label on they-axis should read vertically, not horizontally. Key information should be placed in any available white space within the figure; if space is not available, the information should be placed in the legend. In general, figures with multiple parts should be marked A, B, C, etc., with a description of each panel included in the legend rather than on the figure.
Line and bar graphs - Lines in graphs should be bold enough to be easily read after reduction, as should all symbols used in the figure. Data points are best marked with the following symbols, again assuring that they will be readily distinguishable after reduction. In the figure legend, please use words rather than the symbols; e.g., "black circles = group 1; white squares = group 2; black bars = Hb1AC; white bars = glucose levels." Bars should be black or white only, unless more than two datasets are being presented; additional bars should be drawn with clear bold hatch marks or stripes, not shades of gray.
Line or bar graphs or flow charts with text should be created in black and white, not shades of gray, which are difficult to reproduce in even tones.
Reproductions - If materials (e.g., figures and/or tables) are taken from other sources, it should be noted in the legend, and the author must be able to provide written permission for reproduction obtained from the original publisher and author.
Figure legends. Figure legends should be clearly numbered and included at the very end of your document and should not be included on the separate figure/image files. Please use words to describe symbols used in the figure; e.g., "black circles = group 1; white squares = group 2; black bars = Hb1AC; white bars = glucose levels."
Abbreviations should be used only when necessary, e.g., for long chemical names (HEPES), procedures (ELISA), or terms used throughout the article. Abbreviate units of measure only when used with numbers. Abbreviations may be used in tables and figures.
Clinical laboratory values should be in International System of Units (SI) form. Kilocalories should be used rather than kilojoules. HbA1c values should be dually reported as “% (mmol/mol).” Please use the NGSP’s HbA1c converter at to calculate HbA1c values as both % and mmol/mol.
References should be listed according to the Vancouver Style (Thomas MC. Diuretics, ACE inhibitors and NSAIDs – the triple whammy. Med J Aust. 2000;172:184–185; Guilbert TW, Morgan WJ, Zeiger RS, Mauger DT, Boehmer SJ, Szefler SJ, et al. Long-term inhaled corticosteroids in preschool children at high risk for asthma. N Engl J Med. 2006;354:1985–97; ) and should be numbered in the order that they are cited in the text. All authors must be listed and inclusive page numbers provided. Journal titles should be abbreviated as in the National Library of Medicine's List of Journals Indexed for Medline; for unlisted journals, complete journal titles should be provided. References must use automatic citation and reference manager such as Mendeley/Endnote.
Article Processing Charge (APC)
Each article will be charged IDR 1.000.000 for the article processing charge.